Results for 'Aaron Pascal Mauck'

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    Gerald N. Grob. Aging Bones: A Short History of Osteoporosis. xx + 284 pp., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. $24.95. [REVIEW]Aaron Pascal Mauck - 2016 - Isis 107 (2):417-418.
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    (1 other version)David Boyd Haycock. Mortal Coil: A Short History of Living Longer. x + 308 pp., illus., bibl., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 2008. [REVIEW]Aaron Pascal Mauck - 2009 - Isis 100 (3):635-636.
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  3. The Naturalness of Religious Ideas: A Cognitive Theory of Religion.Pascal BOYER - 1994
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  4. Understanding Polarization: Meaning, Measures, and Model Evaluation.Aaron Bramson, Patrick Grim, Daniel J. Singer, William J. Berger, Graham Sack, Steven Fisher, Carissa Flocken & Bennett Holman - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (1):115-159.
    Polarization is a topic of intense interest among social scientists, but there is significant disagreement regarding the character of the phenomenon and little understanding of underlying mechanics. A first problem, we argue, is that polarization appears in the literature as not one concept but many. In the first part of the article, we distinguish nine phenomena that may be considered polarization, with suggestions of appropriate measures for each. In the second part of the article, we apply this analysis to evaluate (...)
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  5. Bayesian theories of conditioning in a changing world.Aaron C. Courville, Nathaniel D. Daw & David S. Touretzky - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (7):294-300.
  6. Belief and the right kind of reason.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):19-34.
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  7. Gunter Seubold, Der idealische Korper. Philosophische Reflexionen uber die Machtergreifung der Korpertechnologien.Pascal Max - 2009 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 116 (2):486.
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  8. From Truth Pluralism to Ontological Pluralism and Back.Aaron J. Cotnoir & Douglas Edwards - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy 112 (3):113-140.
    Ontological pluralism holds that there are different ways of being. Truth pluralism holds that there are different ways of being true. Both views have received growing attention in recent literature, but so far there has been very little discussion of the connections between the views. The authors suggest that motivations typically given for truth pluralism have analogue motivations for ontological pluralism; they argue that while neither view entails the other, those who hold one view and wish to hold the other (...)
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    The Fact of Unreasonable Pluralism.Aaron Ancell - 2019 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 5 (4):410-428.
    Proponents of political liberalism standardly assume that the citizens of an ideal liberal society would be overwhelmingly reasonable. I argue that this assumption violates political liberalism's own constraints of realism—constraints that are necessary to frame the central problem that political liberalism aims to solve, that is, the problem of reasonable pluralism. To be consistent with these constraints, political liberalism must recognize that, as with reasonable pluralism, widespread support for unreasonable moral and political views is an inevitable feature of any liberal (...)
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    The Doxastic Zoo.Pascal Engel - 2018 - In Annalisa Coliva, Paolo Leonardi & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Eva Picardi on Language, Analysis and History. Londra, Regno Unito: Palgrave. pp. 297-316.
    The doxastic zoo contains many animals: belief, acceptance, belief in, belief that, certainty, conjecture, guess, conviction, denial, disbelief in, disbelief that, judgment, commitment, etc. It also contains belief’s “strange bedfellows”: credences, partial beliefs, tacit beliefs, subdoxastic states, creedal feelings, feelings of knowing, in-between believings, pathological beliefs, phobias, aliefs, delusions, biases, besires. How to order the zoo? I propose to distinguish doxastic attitudes from non-doxastic epistemic attitudes. The criterion is the existence of correctness conditions. Most bedfellows do not have such normative (...)
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  11. Virtual machines and consciousness.Aaron Sloman & Ronald L. Chrisley - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (4-5):133-172.
    Replication or even modelling of consciousness in machines requires some clarifications and refinements of our concept of consciousness. Design of, construction of, and interaction with artificial systems can itself assist in this conceptual development. We start with the tentative hypothesis that although the word “consciousness” has no well-defined meaning, it is used to refer to aspects of human and animal informationprocessing. We then argue that we can enhance our understanding of what these aspects might be by designing and building virtual-machine (...)
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    Cognitive/affective processes, social interaction, and social structure as representational re-descriptions: their contrastive bandwidths and spatio-temporal foci.Aaron V. Cicourel - 2006 - Mind and Society 5 (1):39-70.
    Research on brain or cognitive/affective processes, culture, social interaction, and structural analysis are overlapping but often independent ways humans have attempted to understand the origins of their evolution, historical, and contemporary development. Each level seeks to employ its own theoretical concepts and methods for depicting human nature and categorizing objects and events in the world, and often relies on different sources of evidence to support theoretical claims. Each level makes reference to different temporal bandwidths (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, (...)
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  13. Natural axioms for classical mereology.Aaron Cotnoir & Achille C. Varzi - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):201-208.
    We present a new axiomatization of classical mereology in which the three components of the theory—ordering, composition, and decomposition prin-ciples—are neatly separated. The equivalence of our axiom system with other, more familiar systems is established by purely deductive methods, along with additional results on the relative strengths of the composition and decomposition axioms of each theory.
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  14. The paradox of painful art.Aaron Smuts - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (3):59-77.
    Many of the most popular genres of narrative art are designed to elicit negative emotions: emotions that are experienced as painful or involving some degree of pain, which we generally avoid in our daily lives. Melodramas make us cry. Tragedies bring forth pity and fear. Conspiratorial thrillers arouse feelings of hopelessness and dread, and devotional religious art can make the believer weep in sorrow. Not only do audiences know what these artworks are supposed to do; they seek them out in (...)
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    On the social construction of distinctions: Risk, rape, public goods, and altruism.Aaron Wildavsky - 1993 - In R. Michod, L. Nadel & M. Hechter (eds.), The Origin of Values. Aldine de Gruyer. pp. 47--61.
  16. Emotions, fiction, and cognitive architecture.Aaron Meskin & Jonathan M. Weinberg - 2003 - British Journal of Aesthetics 43 (1):18-34.
    Recent theorists suggest that our capacity to respond affectively to fictions depends on our ability to engage in simulation: either simulating a character in the fiction, or simulating someone reading or watching the fiction as though it were fact. We argue that such accounts are quite successful at accounting for many of the basic explananda of our affective engagements in fiction. Nonetheless, we argue further that simulationist accounts ultimately fail, for simulation involves an ineliminably ego-centred element that is atypical of (...)
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    Mutual Indwelling.Aaron Cotnoir - 2017 - Faith and Philosophy 34 (2):123-151.
    Perichoresis, or “mutual indwelling,” is a crucial concept in Trinitarian theology. But the philosophical underpinnings of the concept are puzzling. According to ordinary conceptions of “indwelling” or “being in,” it is incoherent to think that two entities could be in each other. In this paper, I propose a mereological way of understanding “being in,” by analogy with standard examples in contemporary metaphysics. I argue that this proposal does not conflict with the doctrine of divine simplicity, but instead affirms it. I (...)
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  18. Disambiguation of Social Polarization Concepts and Measures.Aaron Bramson, Patrick Grim, Daniel J. Singer, Steven Fisher, William Berger, Graham Sack & Carissa Flocken - 2016 - Journal of Mathematical Sociology 40:80-111.
    ABSTRACT This article distinguishes nine senses of polarization and provides formal measures for each one to refine the methodology used to describe polarization in distributions of attitudes. Each distinct concept is explained through a definition, formal measures, examples, and references. We then apply these measures to GSS data regarding political views, opinions on abortion, and religiosity—topics described as revealing social polarization. Previous breakdowns of polarization include domain-specific assumptions and focus on a subset of the distribution’s features. This has conflated multiple, (...)
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  19. Cognitive insight: theory and assessment.Aaron T. Beck & Warman & M. Debbie - 2004 - In Xavier F. Amador & Anthony S. David (eds.), Insight and Psychosis: Awareness of Illness in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. Oxford University Press UK.
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  20. Basic Self-Knowledge: Answering Peacocke’s Criticisms of Constitutivism.Aaron Zachary Zimmerman - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (2):337-379.
    Constitutivist accounts of self-knowledge argue that a noncontingent, conceptual relation holds between our first-order mental states and our introspective awareness of them. I explicate a constitutivist account of our knowledge of our own beliefs and defend it against criticisms recently raised by Christopher Peacocke. According to Peacocke, constitutivism says that our second-order introspective beliefs are groundless. I show that Peacocke’s arguments apply to reliabilism not to constitutivism per se, and that by adopting a functionalist account of direct accessibility a constitutivist (...)
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  21. Arguments for the Continuity of Matter in Kant and Du Châtelet.Aaron Wells - forthcoming - Kant Studien.
    In the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, Kant attempts to argue a priori from the indefinite divisibility of space to the indefinite metaphysical divisibility of matter. This is one type of argument from the continuity of space—purportedly established by Euclidean geometry—to the continuity of matter. I compare Kant's argument to parallel reasoning in Du Châtelet, whose work he knew. Both philosophers appeal to idealism about matter in their reasoning, yet also face difficulties in explaining why continuity, though not some other (...)
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  22. Du Châtelet on the Need for Mathematics in Physics.Aaron Wells - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):1137-1148.
    There is a tension in Emilie Du Châtelet’s thought on mathematics. The objects of mathematics are ideal or fictional entities; nevertheless, mathematics is presented as indispensable for an account of the physical world. After outlining Du Châtelet’s position, and showing how she departs from Christian Wolff’s pessimism about Newtonian mathematical physics, I show that the tension in her position is only apparent. Du Châtelet has a worked-out defense of the explanatory and epistemic need for mathematical objects, consistent with their metaphysical (...)
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    Recognizing the Anti-Mysticism Polemic in Genesis Rabbah: A Bourdieusian Reading.David H. Aaron - 2023 - Hebrew Union College Annual 94:135-186.
    Midrash Genesis Rabbah takes aim at a variety of ideological adversaries, but the most subtle polemic is directed at sages who went beyond standard hermeneutical practices to embrace mystical approaches to Torah learning. This essay seeks to expose the use of satire and other literary forms of critique among passages treating cosmology and Torah study. Analytic tools developed by Pierre Bourdieu, especially as they pertain to exposing the use of the symbolic language intrinsic to the establishment of systems of social (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Defining comics?Aaron Meskin - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (4):369–379.
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    Introduction à la métaphysique: les conditions d'une approche de l'être.Pascal Dasseleer - 2019 - Paris: Pierre Téqui éditeur.
    Destiné à l'étudiant en philosophie, ou aux personnes disposant déjà d'une solide culture philosophique, cet ouvrage se présente sous la forme d'une introduction à la métaphysique. Inscrit dans la tradition thomiste, mais ouvert au dialogue avec d'autres traditions de pensée - et notamment les écrits de Maurice Blondel - il tente une défense et un essai de synthèse de sa discipline. Après une introduction discutant de la définition, des sources, de la méthode et des présupposés théologiques de la métaphysique, il (...)
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    Pensieri.Blaise Pascal - 1941 - Bari,: G. Laterza.
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    Prior knowledge on the illumination position.Pascal Mamassian & Ross Goutcher - 2001 - Cognition 81 (1):B1-B9.
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    Educating from Failure: Dewey's Aesthetics and the Case for Failure in Educational Theory.Aaron Stoller - 2013 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 47 (1):22-35.
    Several years ago I began a mentoring relationship with an undergraduate student named Sadie.1 By all traditional measures, Sadie was a common student, earning slightly above average grades and participating in all the activities one might expect of a typical undergraduate. Our relationship lasted through her third and fourth years in school, and the longer I knew her, the more I understood her uniqueness. Sadie was incredibly self-reflective and had a profound love of learning, yet she took the types of (...)
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  29. Etats d'esprit : questions de philosophie de l'esprit.Pascal Engel - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (4):514-516.
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  30. Francis Hutcheson and the origin of animal rights.Aaron Garrett - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (2):243-265.
    "Animal right" is an important political and philosophical concept that has its roots in the work of Francis Hutcheson. Developing ideas derived from his natural-law predecessors, Hutcheson stressed the category of acquired or adventitious right to explain how animals might gain rights through becoming members of a community guided by a moral sense. This theoretical innovation had consequences not just for animals, but for making sense of how all of the formerly rightless might gain rights. Examining Hutcheson's development of an (...)
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    Retour aval.Pascal Engel - 1999 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 4:453-463.
    Plutôt que de rouvrir l'éternel débat entre tenants d'une histoire analytique de la philosophie et tenants d'une approche « authentiquement historique », il vaut mieux se demander si les premiers sont réellement condamnés à la trahison historique, et les seconds à la myopie historique. La démarche consistant à aborder le passé de la philosophie d'aval en amont est compatible avec une fidélité historique dès lors qu'on est prêt à reconnaître que ce ne sont pas seulement des textes qui se transmettent (...)
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  32. The emperor's real mind -- Review of Roger Penrose's The Emperor's new Mind: Concerning Computers Minds and the Laws of Physics.Aaron Sloman - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 56 (2-3):355-396.
    "The Emperor's New Mind" by Roger Penrose has received a great deal of both praise and criticism. This review discusses philosophical aspects of the book that form an attack on the "strong" AI thesis. Eight different versions of this thesis are distinguished, and sources of ambiguity diagnosed, including different requirements for relationships between program and behaviour. Excessively strong versions attacked by Penrose (and Searle) are not worth defending or attacking, whereas weaker versions remain problematic. Penrose (like Searle) regards the notion (...)
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  33. Dual Careers of Athletes During COVID-19 Lockdown.Pascal Izzicupo, Angela Di Baldassarre, Ilvis Abelkalns, Ugis Bisenieks, Antonio Sánchez-Pato, Francisco José Cánovas-Alvarez, Mojca Doupona, António J. Figueiredo, Juan Alfonso García-Roca, Barbara Ghinassi, Alejandro Leiva-Arcas, Lourdes Meroño, Anda Paegle, Liliana-Elisabeta Radu, Cristian-Mihail Rus, Oana-Mihaela Rusu, Hugo Sarmento, Janis Stonis, Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal, Vasco Vaz & Laura Capranica - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed to investigate the student-athletes' capability to face the academic, sport, and social challenges during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown and to disclose novel aspects of dual careers. A 32-item online survey encompassing demographic characteristics, sport and university engagement, support and dual-career benefits, physical activity, sitting time, and the time deemed necessary to recover the previous level of performance was developed. Four hundred sixty-seven student-athletes (males: 57%, females: 43%) from 11 countries, competing in 49 different sports (individual: (...)
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  34. The origin and emergence of empirical ethics.Pascal Borry, Paul Schotsmans & Dierickx & Kris - 2008 - In Guy Widdershoven (ed.), Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    (3 other versions)4. Birth of a Rhythmological Conflict.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Previous chapter Janina Wellmann's analyses are extremely valuable because they provide us with new historical evidence that can only improve our understanding of a very obscure past. But the general interpretations she proposes are quite questionable. The idea that after 1800 a “Rhythm Episteme” has dominated the field of knowledge erases the very acute conflict that broke out in the early years of the 19th century between poetic and artistic rhythmologies, inspired by a common - Sur le concept de rythme (...)
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  36. Conscription of Cadaveric Organs for Transplantation: Neglected Again.Aaron Spital - 2003 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (2):169-174.
    : The March 2003 issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal was devoted to cadaveric organ procurement. All the discussed proposals for solving the severe organ shortage place a higher value on respecting individual and/or family autonomy than on maximizing recovery of organs. Because of this emphasis on autonomy and historically high refusal rates, I believe that none of the proposals is likely to achieve the goal of ensuring an adequate supply of transplantable organs. An alternative approach, conscription of (...)
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    The Thing Called Emotion.Aaron Ben-Ze’ev - 2009 - In Peter Goldie (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Emotion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 41--61.
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    Le vocabulaire romain de l’affection dans les sphères du public et du privé aux trois premiers siècles de l’ère chrétienne.Pascal Arnaud - 2010 - Noesis 16 (16):27-38.
    L’univers romain est peu propice en général à l’étude du sentiment, faute de matière exploitable. Les manifestations extérieures de la sphère de l’affect sont par nature exclues d’un univers au sein duquel l’émotion est considérée, au même titre que toutes les passions, comme antinomique du métier de citoyen, et, a fortiori, de celui de dirigeant. C’est l’un des fondements théoriques de l’exclusion, de la sphère du politique, aussi bien des femmes que de la jeunesse, réputées également guidée...
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    Cécile Ottogalli-Mazzacavallo & Jean Saint-Martin (dir.), Femmes et hommes dans les sports de montagne. Au-d.Pascal Charroin - 2010 - Clio 32.
    Cet ouvrage synthétise les actes d’un colloque organisé par l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 et la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Grenoble, en mai 2008. Il s’interroge sur les conditions sexuées d’émergence et de développement des pratiques de montagne et répond à la thématique de la construction des masculinités et des féminités, ainsi que des rapports hiérarchiques de genre dans les disciplines alpines. L’ouvrage est essentiellement historique, mais des contributions sociologiques, psy...
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  40. Une vie philosophique? Simone Weil, éthique et écriture.Pascal David - 2019 - In Robert Chenavier & Thomas G. Pavel (eds.), Simone Weil, réception et transposition. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Die Rolle des Vertrauens für eine interreligiöse und interkulturelle Begegnung in Friedensfragen.Pascal Delhom - 2018 - In Sarah Jäger & Reiner Anselm (eds.), Ethik in Pluralen Gesellschaften: Grundsatzfragen • Band 3. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 119-140.
    In ihrem 2013 erschienenen Buch „Vertrauensfragen. Eine Obsession der Moderne“ beschreibt die Historikerin Ute Frevert, wie verbreitet das Thema des Vertrauens besonders seit dem 18. Jahrhundert gewesen ist. Vertrauen wird in vielen Bereichen des privaten und des öffentlichen Lebens thematisiert, versprochen und geschenkt, gefordert und beschworen und nicht selten enttäuscht und verloren. Ökonomische, soziale und politische Krisen, aber auch Beziehungskrisen werden dann vermehrt als Krisen des Vertrauens verstanden und dargestellt. Hierbei verweist Frevert auf die Ambivalenz des Begriffs, der als Gefühl (...)
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    L'institution kantienne de l'humanité.Pascal Gaudet - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La philosophie critique de Kant serait marquée, selon Michel Foucault, par son enfermement dans le transcendantal, pensé comme immuable. Il faudrait prendre conscience de l'historicité de l'esprit, pour tenter cette épreuve de liberté qu'est la création de soi. Or, le présent ouvrage montre que c'est précisément dans la philosophie transcendantale, interprétée ici dans un tout autre sens que celui proposé par Michel Foucault, que se manifeste, chez Kant, le pouvoir d'une liberté proprement humaine, soit la vie transcendantale d'un esprit capable, (...)
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    Philosophie et existence: qu'est-ce que l'homme?Pascal Gaudet - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    C'est en mettant en oeuvre l'Idée de la philosophie comme métaphysique scientifique que Kant met au jour l'"être" de l'homme, c'est-à-dire l'a priori transcendantal qui fonde l'existence proprement humaine. Il y aurait donc cooriginarité de l'existence de l'homme et de l'essence de la "philosophie". De ce point de vue, l'existence, à proprement parler, est"philosophique". Ainsi, 1'"éthique" existentielle peut être pensée comme l'Idée même de la "vérité", "vérité" de l'homme, "être" - "devoir-être" qui fonde la représentation de toute "vérité" théorique, esthétique (...)
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    Pourquoi la rythmologie?Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Exposé présenté lors du séminaire de l'axe de recherche « Rythmologies », organisé par Luc Gwiazdzinski à la MSH-Alpes de Grenoble, le 23 juin 2020. J'aimerais vous présenter les principales raisons qui m'ont amené à concevoir et développer un programme de recherche rythmologique. Je vais essayer, à partir de mon expérience personnelle mais aussi au travers d'une analyse plus large du contexte, de vous montrer pourquoi une rythmologie est devenue aujourd'hui plus que nécessaire. Comme vous le savez - Sur le (...)
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  45. Abhandlung über die Leidenschaften der Liebe.Blaise Pascal - 1949 - Köln,: Kiepenheuer. Edited by Max Bense.
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  46. Pensées, suivies des Écrits sur la grace.Blaise Pascal - 1937 - Paris,: Gallimard. Edited by Jacques Chevalier.
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  47. Solitudine e storia: antologia degli scritti.Blaise Pascal - 1977 - Firenze: La nuova Italia. Edited by Flavio Baroncelli.
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    Si xiang lu =.Blaise Pascal - 2007 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  49. Três discursos sobre a condição dos grandes.Blaise Pascal & João Fortaleza de Aquino - 2005 - Kalagatos 2 (4).
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  50. Œuvres complètes, Grands Écrivains de la France, Deuxième série. Tome IV.Blaise Pascal, Léon Brunschwiecg, Pierre Boutroux & Félix Gazier - 1914 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 78:461-461.
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